Improving Performance in Pig Farms

Improving Performance in Pig Farms

Cionaster and Astercide are efficient additives to improve the profitability in pig production

Naturally Improve Performance Results while Reducing Diet Costs

There are natural tools that enhance productive performance by increasing growth rates and optimizing the feed conversion rate. Some of them are highly effective at a very low dose rate. It is the case of CIONASTER, an additive composed of natural principles.

When compared with other additives that are intended to promote growth, CIONASTER achieves better performance results and reduces feed expenses. Besides, the benefit-cost ratio for this specific additive is fairly more competitive than antibiotic growth promoters.

CIONASTER specifically enhances the function of the gut cells to improve feed digestibility and nutrient absorption. Thanks to this, CIONASTER optimizes feed utilization and reduces the costs related to feeding the animals. Besides, thanks to optimizing the status of the gut mucosa, pigs become less likely to suffer from enteric infections.

Thanks to targeting the animal cells rather than the pathogens, CIONASTER is a feed additive that does not create microbial resistances and whose efficacy persists over time.

Performance improvement obtained in fattening pigs fed Cionaster
Charts 1-3. Performance improvement obtained in fattening pigs fed Cionaster.

Prevention is More Profitable than Treating: Using Feed Preservatives

Another type of additives that needs to be considered are feed preservatives. They prevent feed spoilage caused by microorganisms and reduce the risk of feed to be the source of infections. There are many preservatives available in the market and the best choice needs to be based on the dose, the cost, and, especially, the efficacy of the product and the duration of the efficacy.

In this matter, ASTERCIDE has impressive properties, as the recommended dose is half of that of traditional acid-based products, and its efficacy lasts for as long as 6 months, which makes it a valid product to preserve long-term stored raw materials. Unlike organic acids or formaldehyde, ASTERCIDE is not corrosive, so it is safe for the manipulators, the animals and for the beneficial flora.

Reduction of E. coli, Fusarium and Salmonella in the feed after 24 hours with Astercide
Chart 4. Reduction of E. coli, Fusarium and Salmonella in the feed after 24 hours with Astercide.

Would you like to know more about CIONASTER and ASTERCIDE?

If you would like to know more about how to improve diet profitability with CIONASTER, ASTERCIDE, please visit ASTERIVET’s webpage at, or contact ASIAN BIOTECHNOLOGY Ltd., the distributor of ASTERIVET’s products in Asia, through

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